Save two cars in your garage
This works in the same way as the previous games. Normally you can only save one car in your garage, but with this you can save two or more! All you have to do is get your two or however many cars and bring them up to your garage. Drive one of them until the garage door opens, and then drive it half way in and get out of the car. This will keep the door open for you. Next, get into the other car and drive that all the way into the garage. Then get into the car half way in and drive it the rest of the way in and get out and leave the garage. Et viola! You now have two cars stored in your garage!
Stop gang attack on your territory.
To stop other gangs from attacking your territory, just save you game, this will stop the gang war and you won't have to fight them.
Go to a strip club and stand in front of a stripper when the people watching them gives them money CJ will take it instead since you are where they put the money
Click the left mouse button while playing basketball to do tricks with the ball.
Edit the stats of any vehicle in game.
First browse to your GTA:SA isntall directory, it will look something like this:
C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\
Then go to the data directory. MAKE A BACKUP OF ANY FILES BEFORE YOU EDIT THEM. To edit the vehicle stats, open the handling.cfg file in notepad. As you can see, all the info on every vehicle in in there. Follow the instructions in the comments to find out how to edit it.
You can do anyuthing like make a Rhino as light as a PCJ600 and control just as well.
Basically, you can edit anything in the game from these files. Just be careful what you edit and leave them as sane values to prevent glitches.
Shoot it with sniper to make it change size from bigger to smaller and vice versa.
BY : Harmanjeet Singh